Do French service stations have showers?

Do French service stations have showers? The majority of Rest Areas offer self-service restaurants/cafés, shops, toilets (showers), sometimes free wi-fi and 24 hour petrol station facilities.

Can you sleep in service stations in France?

Can you stay overnight in an 'aire de service' on a French motorway? Yes, often it is allowed. They often have specific motorhome parking areas and there will be an allowed time you are allowed to stay for. This will be displayed clearly on a sign somewhere nearby.

Is it legal to sleep in your car in Europe?

You can park anywhere as long as it's not forbidden. Car camping is allowed in most European countries, except Slovenia that fines heavily sleeping in the car outside of the designated (and very expensive) spots.

Can you go to a hotel just to shower?

Finding a place to shower when you're away from home can be a challenge. If you've ever considered popping into a hotel just to use their facilities, you're not alone. The short answer is – yes, you generally can use a hotel's showers without booking a room. However, there are some important factors to consider first.