Do flight crew give you extra food if you ask?

Do flight crew give you extra food if you ask?

Extra Snacks or Drinks
Economy passengers don't often get full meals on short-haul flights, but they do get a round of drinks and snacks. If you find yourself a little peckish or thirsty after that service, politely ask your flight attendant for another round. But remember, asking doesn't mean you'll receive.

Do you have to tip flight attendants in first class?

Do flight attendants ever get tips from first class passengers for exemplary service? Yes, sometimes flight attendants get tips from first class passengers for exemplary service. However, in no way is a passenger obligated to give a flight attendant a tip.

Can flight attendant accept gifts?

I'm sure the cabin crew would appreciate any gift, so choose what feels right to you. However, if you're going to bring them candy or other food, make sure it's store-bought and sealed.

Can I ask a flight attendant to fill my water bottle?

It is not rude to ask the crew for water. They will not resent you for it. I used to be a flight attendant so I can tell you, it's not a problem to ask for water even more than a couple of times during your flight.

Can you negotiate flight attendant pay?

If you believe you are underpaid, you cannot exactly walk into your supervisor's office and ask for more money. Instead, you must rely on your union representatives to stand up for you – and every other flight attendant who works for the airline – during contract negotiations.

Do flight attendants eat on long flights?

On a long-haul flight, there will be two crew meals for each crew member. These look the same as passenger meals on trays but feature slightly different cuisine. There will be a choice of some kind of meat or vegetarian. The crew will decide between themselves who wants what.

What is a nice gift for a flight attendant?

Box of Chocolates It's never a bad thing! Chocolates can be shared among flight crews, saved for later, don't take much space, and are cheap to buy–though I recommend purchasing a nice box if you can. It's a great gift to pick up while you're in the airport, but you can also buy a box in advance easily enough.

Do flight attendants get food allowance?

Food expense reimbursement Airline companies typically pay for food reimbursement per hour. For a long trip, flight attendants receive more money to spend on food. Airlines may pay employees for these expenses up front or use a reimbursement system such as checking receipts to pay employees back.

Should I tip flight attendants in first class?

While it's true that flight attendants serve you food and beverages, we don't advise offering them tips.

Is flight attendant a glorified waitress?

His co-worker Melissa Pittman added: The biggest misconception ever is the fact that people think we're glorified waitresses, when in reality, you start having a heart attack or you have a medical event on the aircraft — the first person you're going to look for is a flight attendant because we know what to do.

How can I impress a flight attendant?

How can I make my flight attendant happy?
  1. Say hi back. If a flight attendant greets you upon boarding, don't just ignore them. ...
  2. Listen to the safety demo. It's just polite. ...
  3. Headphones off! ...
  4. Be specific when ordering. ...
  5. Same for cold drinks. ...
  6. Say please and thank you. ...
  7. Magazines! ...
  8. Treats.

What do airlines do with leftover food?

So what does happen to uneaten airline food? Some airlines allow flight attendants to eat untouched business or first class meals. But the majority of the time, they are either incinerated or dumped in a landfill.

What not to do as a flight attendant?

They can't drink when wearing their uniform However, not drinking alcohol doesn't only apply to flight attendants on duty. “Flight attendants can't publicly consume alcohol in uniform,” says Ward. While flying, a top priority is to keep valuables safe. Follow these 7 tips to keep personal items safe while travelling.

Can you ask flight attendant for snacks?

Can you ask flight attendant for snacks? Economy passengers don't often get full meals on short-haul flights, but they do get a round of drinks and snacks. If you find yourself a little peckish or thirsty after that service, politely ask your flight attendant for another round.

Do flight attendants get to eat first class food?

If the airline has a business or first class service, once that's complete, any extra meals are distributed among the crew. First-class service is on demand, and passengers need options right up until the end of the flight, so that is more rare, but it makes the crew very happy.

Am I too fat to be a flight attendant?

There aren't specific weight requirements for Flight Attendants – many airlines will check to see that the prospective Cabin Crew are in proportion, they look a healthy weight and that they will be able to fit in the Cabin Crew Uniform.

Can you ask flight attendant to reheat food?

You can always ask; but the usual answer will be “no, we can't, sorry.” Flight attendants are prohibited from doing this for liability and safety reasons…at least that's true at American Airlines.

What is the weight limit for a flight attendant?

It's a physical job, but not all flight attendants must be slim and trim. You do, however, have to fit into the flight attendant jumpseat. Flight attendants have no set weight requirements, as body types can vary even if two people are the same height and weight.

Can we ask for more food on a plane?

Can passengers reasonably ask flight attendants for a second hot meal? Or a third? And what about a few more bags of nuts while you're at it? Having spoken to a handful of airlines, the answer is a resounding yes.

Is 42 too old to be a flight attendant?

At 21 years old, you can apply to be a flight attendant with any airline. Minimum age requirements typically apply at the time of training completion, so candidates who will reach an airline's minimum age during training can apply for flight attendant roles. There is no upper age limit for flight attendants.

How do I ask my flight attendant for an upgrade?

After you sit down and they announce that they have finished boarding (not before!), ping a flight attendant and ask if you might move up to a better seat if it's available.