Do expats get healthcare in Spain?

Do expats get healthcare in Spain? As an expat working and contributing to social security in Spain, you'll get access to free doctor appointments and subsidised prescriptions by presenting your Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual or TSI- your Spanish Health Card. Your legal spouse and children under the age of 15 will be entitled to healthcare as well.

What is the biggest health problem in Spain?

Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death in Spain, accounting for 33.71% of total deaths. Within this group, ischaemic heart disease is the first cause in men (22,923 deaths). Cerebrovascular diseases are the main cause in women (21,927 deaths). In second position are tumours, which cause 25.9% of deaths.

What happens if I need to go to the hospital in Spain?

Hospitals in Spain For scheduled hospital appointments and treatment, patients have to ask their GP for a referral. In an emergency, patients can go directly to A&E (accident and emergency) at the nearest hospital, without a referral.

Can a US citizen get healthcare in Spain?

US citizens who move to Spain can choose between private insurance or benefit from the SNS— if they're eligible. Medicare and insurance from the US will most likely not cover you while you are abroad. But, if your insurance company has an international plan, you can check with them and ask in advance.