Do airlines still use Boeing 737 MAX?

Do airlines still use Boeing 737 MAX? After manufacturing issues led to two incidents in 2019, the Boeing 737 MAX was grounded across the world. In 2021, after rigorous testing, Civil Aviation Authorities in many places in the world cleared the Boeing 737 MAX to fly again, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Brazil, and the EU.

Which Airlines do not use Boeing?

Spirit Airlines and Frontier Airlines do not operate Boeing aircraft.

Can you refuse to fly on a 737 MAX?

“If you could book a 737 500, and you find out it's a 737 MAX, technically they don't have to honor your request. … So you don't have a right to specify you are not going to go on a 737 MAX.”

Why is the Boeing 737 MAX allowed to fly again?

After a 20-month review that included design and software changes as well as enhanced training, the FAA agreed in late 2020 to allow the plane to fly again. Airlines around the world began returning them to service last year, though they remain grounded in some countries, most notably China.

Is the Max 8 safe now?

The Boeing 737 MAX has had its fair share of troubles since it entered service but has been safely flying since December 2020, with hundreds of units in the sky every day.

Can a 737 pilot fly a 737 MAX?

This is done so that 737NG pilots can fly 737MAX with no additional training, which is what the airlines demanded, just as they demanded A320CEO pilots be able to fly A320NEO aircraft without additional training.

How do pilots feel about the 737 Max?

Pilots repeatedly voiced safety concerns about the Boeing 737 Max 8 to federal authorities, with one captain calling the flight manual inadequate and almost criminally insufficient several months before Sunday's Ethiopian Air crash that killed 157 people, an investigation by The Dallas Morning News found.

Is the 737 MAX 8 a new plane?

The 737 MAX 8 entered service in May 2017, the MAX 9 entered service in March 2018, and the MAX 200 (a high-density version of the MAX 8) entered service in June 2021. Deliveries for the MAX 7 and the MAX 10 are expected to begin in 2024, after years of delays.

Is the Boeing 737 MAX still safe to fly?

Despite the FlyersRights concerns, the FAA, Boeing and many pilots deem the 737 MAX safe to fly and many airlines have the plane in service. “I can say categorically that the 737 MAX product is safe,” then-acting FAA administrator Bill Nolen told members of the US Senate Commerce Committee in March.

Has the problem with Boeing 737 MAX been fixed?

After requiring Boeing to institute new MCAS training and certain design changes, the FAA eventually cleared Boeing 737 Max's return to the skies by the end of 2020 — in October 2022, Alaska Airlines (ALK) - Get Free Report committed to buying 52 Boeing 737 Max planes for delivery between 2024 and 2027.

Is 737 MAX safe Southwest?

Southwest Airlines continues to monitor information from Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the impending 737 MAX software enhancements and training requirements. We remain confident that, once certified by the FAA, the enhancements will support the safe operation of the MAX.

Which 737 to avoid?

The Boeing 737 MAX aircrafts are returning to the skies. If there is an aircraft that you want to avoid it is this one. The 737MAX has been responsible for the deaths of 346 people in 2 separate plane accidents.

What seats to avoid on Boeing 737?

On an American Airlines Boeing 737-800, for example, the seat-rating site SeatGuru warns of several “bad” seats, denoted in red. They include all the seats in row 30, at the back of the aircraft. The reasons are obvious: Like Conway's, the seats in row 30 are next to lavatories and don't fully recline.

Is Boeing 737-800 the same as 737 MAX?

While the average passenger might not notice many major differences between the two, the MAX is a major improvement over the 737-800 especially in terms of overall efficiency and range, and passengers can expect to continue seeing more MAX aircraft over the coming years as Boeing continues to fill its backlog of orders ...