Do a lot of people get waitlisted?

Do a lot of people get waitlisted? While many colleges will waitlist hundreds or even thousands of students, not all of those students will accept a spot on the waitlist, making the pool and the chances of getting in slightly better in some cases. According to NACAC, 20% of all students who chose to remain on waitlists were ultimately admitted.

Is a waitlist a soft rejection?

As decisions keep rolling out, I know you might have some questions. First, a note: I know getting that waitlist decision can be painful. It is, in lots of ways, a soft rejection and that's by far the healthiest way to look at it, but that's also what makes it sting even more. So, be sure to take care of yourself.

What is waitlist strategy?

You can use a waitlist to strategically generate interest and excitement before the full launch of your innovative new product. By offering a preview and collecting signups, you'll have an engaged customer base eager to become users from day one.

Is it better to be deferred or waitlisted?

A deferred applicant will be considered again before any reconsideration is provided to a waitlisted applicant. As such, being waitlisted at a school is worse than a deferral because the institution has decided not to admit you unless other applicants decline their admission offer and seats become available.

What not to do when waitlisted?

Waitlisted students can accept or reject the offer presented by the college. However, don't take up a spot on the list if you're not planning on attending the school anymore. You'd be taking the spot away from another student who may be more interested.

What does waitlisted 0 mean?

The result produces a Registration Add Error: Example: “Closed - -0 Waitlisted” (meaning that the course is full, and there are no students on the waitlist) or “Open – Reserved for Wait List” (meaning that there is an open seat but it is reserved for a waitlisted student who is at the top of the wait list).

How do you start a successful waitlist?

How to implement a waitlist marketing strategy
  1. Come up with a waitlist incentive. One of the most effective ways to get people on your waitlist and get those people to convert is to offer an attractive incentive. ...
  2. Create your waitlist page. ...
  3. Set up your welcome email. ...
  4. Promote your waitlist. ...
  5. Nurture your waitlist.

Is getting waitlisted impressive?

Being waitlisted isn't terrible if you can be patient and have a backup plan. Alternatively, you can choose to back out and move on. If you were waitlisted by one of your reach schools, you might have already been planning for the alternatives. So usually, being waitlisted isn't bad.