Did anyone survive hanging on the plane?

Did anyone survive hanging on the plane? Stowaway who survived terrifying travel 'hanging' from jumbo jet gets UK asylum. The stowaway from South Africa had hidden in the jumbo jet's undercarriage in the freezing-60 C temperatures in one of the most terrifying air journey.

Could someone survive on the wing of a plane?

And one report said a 15-year-old boy made it through a 2007 journey from Perm, Russia, to Moscow (808 miles) stowed away inside the wing of a Boeing-737, so severely frostbitten by the end that crews couldn't remove his shoes or coat. But alive.

Can you survive a plane crush?

The good news is that an airplane crash doesn't necessarily mean certain death. In fact, of the 568 U.S. plane crashes between 1980 and 2000, more than 90 percent of crash victims survived [source: BBC]. In the event of an air disaster, there are things you can do that can increase your odds of living.

What would happen if you jumped out of a plane at 30000 feet?

- It would be virtually impossible to survive ejection from an airplane at 30,000 feet. - A rapid drop in oxygen and extraordinarily cold conditions would be just two of the deadliest consequences. - People have been sucked through holes in airplanes before, but skilled pilots can often save the day.