Did Antarctica ever have humans?

Did Antarctica ever have humans? Prior to its discovery in 1820, no humans had ever set eyes on this icy continent. But do people live in Antarctica now? Although there are no native Antarcticans and no permanent residents or citizens of Antarctica, many people do live in Antarctica each year.

Why do you have to remove wisdom teeth to go to Antarctica?

You get cavities. But we require wisdom teeth to be removed, only when they are abnormal,” McKeith explained. Dental infections can become dangerous quickly—so quickly that those who develop a wisdom tooth infection while in Antarctica may not be able to reach proper medical care before serious damage occurs.

How much does it cost to go to Antarctica?

A rough estimate for round-trip flights to Antarctica can range from $5,000 to $15,000 per person. It's important to note that traveling to Antarctica often requires specialized flights or cruises, and prices can be higher due to the remote location.