Could MH370 have been shot down?

Could MH370 have been shot down? After the discovery of the debris, some speculated that flight 370 was shot down, but no evidence of shrapnel from a missile or other projectiles has been found.

Have any other planes disappeared like MH370?

Several other planes have disappeared in the region including five US bombers that vanished in 1945, but in spite of massive air and sea searches, no trace of the bodies or aircraft was ever found. In 2009 a flight from Rio De Janeiro to Paris crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, killing 228 passengers and crew.

How many victims were in MH370?

MH370 disappeared with 239 people on board. This included 12 crew members and 227 passengers from 14 different countries. All of the crew members – two pilots and 10 cabin crew – were Malaysian. Of the 227 passengers, 153 were Chinese and 38 were Malaysian.

Is mh370 Based on a true story?

Premise. On 8 March 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and all 239 passengers onboard disappeared without a trace. After nine years, family members, scientists, investigators, and journalists are still actively seeking explanations.

Why did Russia down MH17?

Dutch prosecutors said that there are strong indications that the Russian president decided on supplying a Buk missile system — the weapon that downed MH17 — to Ukrainian separatists.

Is Ocean Infinity still looking for MH370?

In a dramatic development, Ocean Infinity has committed to finding MH370 with a new search in early 2023 or 2024.

Who found MH370 debris?

The first piece of debris was found on Reunion Island on July 29, 2015, by Johny Begue.

Did anyone survive flight 175?

The impact killed hundreds, including everyone on the plane and many more inside the South Tower. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 people survived the crash, but were trapped by the catastrophic damage done to the skyscraper as well as the heat, fire, and smoke filling its upper levels.

Where was MH370 supposed to fly to?

Disappearance (8 March 2014) Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 00:42 local time (MYT; UTC+08:00) en route to Beijing Capital International Airport, where it was expected to arrive at 6:30 local time (CST; UTC+08:00).

Did the pilot intentionally crash MH370?

This makes it highly likely that the landing gear was down when the aircraft crashed into the southern Indian Ocean on 8 March 2014 - leaving behind one of the greatest aviation mysteries in recent history. In their new analysis, Mr Godfrey and Mr Gibson suggest the airliner crashed quickly and deliberately.

Would MH370 still be intact?

Not only did this confirm the plane was not intact, but modelling of ocean currents concluded that MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean near Western Australia, and ocean currents then transported debris to Africa a year later.

Were the bodies found in MH370?

Despite extensive search operations, the MH370 was never found. Some claims about the MH370 debris washing ashore did pop up now and then, but there was never any conclusive evidence or claims that the debris actually was of MH370. No dead bodies were found either and neither was the plane's black box.

Could flight MH370 have been shot down?

One theory suggested in the documentary suggests that the plane could have been shot down over the South China Sea, allegedly because of the cargo that the plane was carrying.

Are there any MH370 survivors?

While it has been established beyond doubt that the plane crashed into the ocean, with no survivors, the families of the dead understandably refuse to accept this conclusion.

What is the biggest aviation mystery?

The story of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is the biggest aviation mystery of our time. And until it is solved, it may be the biggest in history. The incident occurred on March 8, 2014, when the airplane flying from Malaysia to Beijing disappeared over the Indian Ocean.