Can you wear shorts in Honduras?

Can you wear shorts in Honduras? The area has a really relaxed style and most travelers wear a summer dress or a pair of shorts or jeans and a comfortable t-shirt.

What food is Honduras famous for?

Regional specialties include sopa de caracol, fried fish, tamales, carne asada and baleadas. Other popular dishes include meat roasted with chismol and carne asada, chicken with rice and corn, and fried fish with pickled onions and jalapeños.

Is Honduras friendly with the US?

Honduras is an ally of the United States, and Hondurans historically view the United States favorably.

What do I need to know before going to Honduras?

Honduras - Level 3: Reconsider Travel
  • Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed. Reconsider travel to Honduras due to crime and kidnapping. ...
  • Country Summary: Violent crime, such as homicide, armed robbery, and kidnapping, is common. ...
  • Gracias a Dios Department – Level 4: Do Not Travel.

How long can a US citizen stay in Honduras?

For tourism or commercial travel of more than 90 days within a 120 day period, you will need a visa. To obtain a Honduran visa please contact the offices for Honduran Immigration. U.S. citizens tourists can enter visa-free for up to 90 days, with permission from authorities at the port of entry.

What is considered respectful in Honduras?

-Be punctual, even though your Honduran counterpart may not be. -When meeting a member of the same gender it is common to greet each other with a firm handshake. -When meeting a member of the opposite gender, a nod and a verbal greeting is acceptable.