Can you wear shorts in Azerbaijan?

Can you wear shorts in Azerbaijan? As this is a Muslim country, foreign women should dress modestly, especially in the rural areas, and cultivate a certain coolness of manner. Women can dress in normal western-style modest clothing, although female visitors should avoid wearing short skirts (they must be below the knee) and shorts.

Can you use US dollars in Azerbaijan?

All goods and services are paid in local currency. Pounds sterling, US dollars and euros are easily exchanged. Major hotels, supermarkets and restaurants in Baku usually accept credit cards. There are ATMs in most major towns and cities.

Is Baku safe at night?

Crime levels in Baku are generally low, but muggings do occur from time to time after dark in the centre of town around the western bars and clubs and near dimly lit entrances of private apartments. Take sensible precautions: be vigilant, avoid carrying large sums of money and don't walk alone at night.

Do people tip in Baku?

Tipping is not common. Taxis round up to the nearest whole amount. A service charge is normally added to the bill in mid to high-end restaurants. Although as this doesn't go to the waiter/waitress, a tip for good service would always be appreciated.

Is Baku cheap or expensive?

A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,867.4$ (3,174.6man) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 519.0$ (882.3man) without rent. Baku is 66.5% less expensive than New York (without rent). Rent in Baku is, on average, 90.0% lower than in New York.

Which is the best month to visit Baku?

The best time to go to Baku is the span from April to October. During the summer months Baku suffers from extremely bright sun rays where as winter months are extremely cold. Baku has a very dry weather. The months of January, July and November must be avoided in order to avoid the dryness of the place.

What is considered rude in Azerbaijan?

Don't bear hug or back slap someone, especially in formal situations and occasions and with someone you just met and/or you do not know well enough. This is considered very rude. Don't raise your voice or shout in public, especially on public transportation.

Is Baku safe for female tourists?

Azerbaijan is generally safe for solo female travellers. The country is known for its hospitality and friendly locals, and the crime rate is low. Women should take the same precautions as they would in any other country, such as avoiding walking alone at night and being aware of their surroundings.

Is shorts allowed in Azerbaijan?

In Baku local and foreign women usually dress in western-style clothing. It is now more acceptable for men in Baku to wear shorts in the summer months but outside of Baku it can be frowned upon and attract unwelcome attention.

Can I wear shorts in international flight?

Putting on a pair of shorts to wear on a flight to a hot country might seem like a good idea to most people. But according to an experienced flight attendant, wearing shorts on a plane is dirty and must be avoided at all costs.

What is the etiquette in Azerbaijan?

It is considered polite to reciprocate hospitality with a small gift. Always give an odd number of flowers. Even numbers are reserved for funerals. Avoid giving alcohol unless you are certain your host partakes.

What can can t visitors do in Azerbaijan?

Don't bring anything Armenian into the country The conflict has developed a strong sense of suspicion on both sides. Visitors with an Armenian stamp in their passport might be questioned by immigration officers. Those caught bringing goods from the country-that-can't-be-named may even be refused entry.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Armenia?

For monasteries, women are meant to wear a dress and cover their heads. Men should wear long trousers. We saw local women wearing trousers and tourists (including us) wearing shorts without any issues. It is probably safest to bring alternative clothes in case someone objects to your attire.

Do I need cash in Baku?

Azerbaijan is a cash-based economy. You'll need to pay in local currency for most goods and services. US dollars and euros are common. You can change notes in good condition for local currency.