Can you wear sandals in basilica?

Can you wear sandals in basilica? Trousers or skirts that cover your knees: Pants that cover your knees and long skirts or dresses can be worn inside the Basilica. Flat shoes: Go for flat shoes or sneakers. Don't wear heels, open sandals, or flip-flops, as it is a sacred area.

Can you wear sandals with a nice dress?

If you're after an open-toe option, a cutout sandal can take even the simplest of outfits to the next level of style. If you go for a sandal with a bright or colorful print, pair it with a simple but complementary dress, like a strappy black dress.

Is it safe to wear sandals to a concert?

Wear Comfortable Shoes High heels, sandals, and flat shoes are all going to have you hurting by the end of the night. Some comfortable tennis shoes with cushioning will ensure you're comfortable throughout the concert and your feet will thank you for it when you get home.

Can I wear ripped jeans to basilica?

You can wear jeans inside St. Peter's Basilica. Make sure they're simple with no distracting patterns or strategic ripping.

How strict is Duomo dress code?

The cathedral forbids entry to anybody wearing sandals, sunglasses, or hats, or anyone with their legs or shoulders exposed. Plunging necklines, skirts, and shorts should altogether be avoided.

Are jeans OK at the Vatican?

The Vatican has a dress code that some travellers might not be aware of when visiting. Luckily if you're planning on wearing jeans to the Vatican, you definitely can! When you plan to visit, it's best to keep your knees and shoulders covered. And for footwear, you will need flat shoes, not flip-flops or casual sandals.