Can you walk around downtown St. Louis?

Can you walk around downtown St. Louis? Louis is perfectly suited for self-guided walking. For an incredibly entertaining date with the city, swipe right for its Downtown area and embrace St. Louis's beauty at its heart!

Can you walk and drink in St. Louis?

Can I drink alcohol in public in Missouri? Missouri law does not prohibit consuming alcohol in outdoor public places. However, it is illegal to consume alcohol in a church, school, or courthouse. Other local ordinances may apply.

How do you get around St. Louis without a car?

MetroLink and MetroBus Metro's light-rail network MetroLink has been called one of the best mass transit systems in the country. The rail system offers multiple lines and stops through St. Louis County and City and the Metro East, stopping at or near many of St. Louis attractions.

Is St. Louis a beautiful city?

Louis praised among 'most beautiful and affordable' US cities.

Is St. Louis good for tourists?

With a vibrant arts-and-culture scene, acclaimed restaurants, top-notch bars and free, family-friendly fun to boot, St. Louis is your gateway to a good time.

Is it safe to take the metro in St. Louis?

On a positive side the trains run on time and the cars are fairly clean. Riding the Metro downtown to a ball game is a safe trip because the many other riders are going to the game as well and provide a safe level of comfort. Overall it's best to pay for a taxi or ride share and not risk robbery or personal harm.