Can you visit Pompeii and see the bodies?

Can you visit Pompeii and see the bodies? Throughout the ruins, you can see casts of the bodies and other interesting things like graffiti and rudimentary furniture. Though many of the artifacts and casts have been moved to the Museum of Naples, you'll still be able to see some of the remains in the Horrea and the Olitorium in Pompeii.

Is Naples at risk from Vesuvius?

Experts warn that emergency plans should also include nearby Naples since an explosion could send dangerous burning hot ash and pumice as far as 12 miles (20 kilometers) [source: Fraser]. Mount Vesuvius is considered a somma-stratovolcano.

How many people died in Pompeii?

When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, the devastation it caused was unprecedented. Around 2,000 people died in Pompeii and 300 are known to have died in Herculaneum, however, the entire death toll could have been around 16,000.

Should I visit Pompeii or Amalfi Coast?

The Amalfi Coast is beloved for its gorgeous coastline, opulent architecture, world class seafood and awesome nightlife, whilst the more somber Pompeii is any ancient history lover's dream visit, with the ruins of a Roman city buried under ash and pumice spewed from the top of the raging Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.

Will Vesuvius erupt again?

Could It Erupt Again? Yes! Mount Vesuvius is considered an active volcano that sits on top of an extremely deep layer of magma—154 miles into the earth. Geologists think the volcano is overdue for an eruption, so it is likely to happen and it won't be pretty.

Would Naples be destroyed if Vesuvius erupted?

Vesuvius is still very much an active stratovolcano, with the city of Naples and its 3 million residents only a mere 12 kilometres away. The fact that the city could be destroyed in 2 and a half minutes makes it the volcano one of the most studied and precariously watched in the world.

Should I go to Pompeii or Vesuvius first?

We both strongly recommend doing Pompeii before Vesuvius for several reasons, but it is absolutely possible to do them the other way round; just follow these steps in reverse and keep a keen eye on timetables.

What is the best month to visit Pompeii?

The best time to visit Pompeii is during the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October). During these months, the weather is mild and comfortable for exploring the archaeological site.