Can you use US dollars in Niagara Falls Canada?

Can you use US dollars in Niagara Falls Canada? Most establishments in Niagara Falls Canada take or accept American money and American debit and credit cards. However, it is best to change your American currency to the Canadian dollar to get a better exchange rate. US currency is accepted at most hotels, attractions and restaurants in Niagara Falls Canada.

Which side of Niagara Falls looks better?

Visiting Niagara Falls in Ontario (Canadian Side) In Canada, you'll experience the best views of all of the falls, from seeing the macro-view of the American side as well as the astonishing Horseshoe Falls. Please note: You'll be visiting another country, so remember to pack your passport.

Should I bring US cash to Canada?

USD not universally accepted If you are planning to rely on USD in Canada, you may like to reconsider. Although large retailers, tourist attractions, hotels and border crossings accept US currency, smaller and rural destinations may not.

Can you pay for things in Canada with U.S. dollars?

If you are planning to rely on USD in Canada, you may like to reconsider. Although large retailers, tourist attractions, hotels and border crossings accept US currency, smaller and rural destinations may not. Travellers don't always consider the situations when the local currency is the only option.

Is 1 day enough to see Niagara Falls?

Sure, you could visit Niagara Falls in one quick, rushed day, but it is better experienced with a two day stay (or longer).

Which side of Niagara Falls is nicer?

The Canadian side is where you get gorgeous panoramas of both the American Falls and the mighty Horseshoe Falls. It's definitely the more glamorous side of Niagara Falls. While you can't get right up to the American and Bridal Veil Falls, you can get right up to the brink of Horseshoe Falls.