Can you use Trainline in Austria?

Can you use Trainline in Austria? Trainline connects directly to ÖBB's ticket inventory, meaning you can buy train tickets for Austria on our app or through our website.

Can Trainline be used in Europe?

Trainline combines offers, ticket information and timetables for most European rail companies. This makes booking a train ticket for your whole journey as easy as pie. You don't even have to worry about what train operator you're travelling with - simply book, turn up at the station and go.

Why does Trainline charge a booking fee?

Why do you charge a booking fee? These fees go towards improving our products and services, so you can keep enjoying hassle-free travel by rail and coach.

What is the difference between Trainline and Omio?

Trainline lets you choose your exact seats when booking Italian train tickets, while Omio only lets you choose a preference. (Window, middle seat, or solo seat.) They charge the same fee (roughly $2 per seat) that the train companies charge when you book seats with them directly.

Do Trainline tickets work in Germany?

Yes, you can. The easiest way is to download our app and purchase your German train tickets there.

Which countries can you use Trainline in?

including the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and beyond.

Is Trainline worth using?

In some cases, Trainline's bus and bus/train combo options are worthwhile. In our extensive testing, it's the number one result for the best train fares in Europe.

Is it cheaper to buy train tickets in advance at the station?

Is it okay if we book 30 days ahead ? In general it is cheaper to book long distance trains ahead of time - 10 to 12 weeks is when cheap (but inflexible) tickets are released for sale. At 30 days on most routes there would be a reasonable selection still on sale if you are not too choosy about times.