Can you use the toilet in a thunderstorm?

Can you use the toilet in a thunderstorm? Stay away from plumbing, as electricity can travel along pipes and fittings. Don't take a shower or run a faucet. It's not unheard of for a toilet to explode during a lightning storm. Stay away from windows and exterior doors.

What attracts lightning to a house?

Contrary to popular belief, metal does not inherently attract lightning. Instead, height, shape, and isolation are the dominant factors in determining where a lightning bolt strikes. The taller, more pointed, and isolated a structure, the more lightning will be attracted to it.

Where does lightning strike the most?

Lake Maracaibo is the region with the most lightning in the world, with 233 lightning strikes per km2 per year.

Can I charge my phone during a thunderstorm?

Can I charge my phone during a thunderstorm? It's better to unplug all your appliances. Lightning striking near a local electric pole can cause a surge of electricity to burst through the power lines. So it's safer not to charge your phone during the thunderstorm.