Can you use off peak tickets twice?
Can you use off peak tickets twice? An off peak DAY return is a return the same day. Tickets are valid for one journey only - travelling on the same ticket again is, legally speaking, exactly the same as travelling with no ticket at all. The original ticket is invalid once you have completed the journey.
What is the grace period for TfL off-peak?
The grace period is definitely at least 3 minutes and definitely no more than 5 minutes. It shortens the peak period at each end of both peaks. If you are charged off-peak then TfL treat this as a bonus for you. It is designed to minimise instances of people complaining that the clock was fast/slow.
How do you use off-peak tickets?
Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets do not require you to travel on a specific train, only at certain times. So, if your outward travel date remains the same you might not need to pay an additional fare. Off-Peak Day tickets and the outward part of Off-Peak tickets are only valid on the date shown on the ticket.
Can I travel with same ticket if I miss my train?
According to railway regulations, once you reserve a seat, you are not permitted to use the same ticket to board the next train.
What is a super off-peak return?
What is a Super Off-Peak Return ticket? A Super Off-Peak Return ticket is the same as the Off-Peak Return ticket above, requiring you to make the outward portion of your journey on the date shown on the ticket. The only difference is that you must travel during Super Off-Peak times.
Can I use an off-peak return at any time?
Not to be confused with Off-Peak Day Returns, the Off-Peak Return ticket requires you to make the outward part of your journey on the date shown on the ticket. The return part of your journey, however, can be completed on any day on an Off-Peak train within one calendar month of the ticket's issue date.
What is the difference between off peak and super off peak?
Super Off-Peak tickets are simply an even more restricted version of Off-Peak tickets, usually only made available at the quietest of times during the week.
What does off-peak and peak hours mean?
In general, off-peak hours are all hours outside of 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Various energy pricing plans can have “super off-peak” time periods that offer even lower prices. Peak hours: Hours of the day that have high energy demand resulting in higher prices. Peak hours are 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. everyday.
Can I book a seat with an off peak ticket?
How to reserve a seat: If you have a Flexible, Off-Peak, Super Off-Peak or Open ticket and you need a seat reservation you can make one online using our reservation tool.
Can I break my train journey with an off peak ticket?
With an Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket, in most cases you can break your journey at any point, or more than once if you wish.
What is the difference between off peak day return and anytime day return?
Anytime Day Return: Your outward and return travel can be on any train on the date specified. Off-Peak Return: Both journeys must be on an Off-Peak train, the outward journey on the date specified.