Can you use a black cab as a normal car?

Can you use a black cab as a normal car? Yes, you can buy a London taxi and keep it as a personal vehicle. However, you should ensure that you aren't misleading people into thinking the black cab is for hire – to do so, make sure the cab is modified so it's fit for private use.

Do London taxi drivers still take the Knowledge?

To be a London black cab driver, is one expected to know over 25,000 roads and 50,000 points of interest and pass a test called The Knowledge? Black refers to the color of the vehicle. No, that is not correct. You do have to pass “The Knowledge” but your figures are way off.

Do London cabbies own their cars?

The latter is considered far more difficult. Drivers who own their cabs as opposed to renting from a garage are known as mushers and those who have just passed the knowledge are known as butter boys. There are currently around 21,000 black cabs in London, licensed by the Public Carriage Office.

How old can a black cab be?

Between 1 November 2021 and 31 October 2022, vehicles that are older than 12 years will be ineligible for licensing. Transport for London's (TfL) latest figures, from 31 August 2021, show that 1,228 vehicles will be over 12 years of age and will not be eligible for licensing from 1 November 2021.

Can you use a taxi as a personal vehicle?

Taxi insurance for private use If you're buying a taxi for private use, you'll need decommissioned taxi insurance for social, domestic and pleasure. Not all insurance companies offer this though, so you'll likely need to find a specialist car insurance company like us.

Do black cab drivers own their cars?

They May or May Not Own Their Own Cab Drivers can buy their cabs from sites like, for example, or if they need to save up before buying one of their own they may rent out a vehicle for £150 to £200 per week. As you may guess in the long run, it is far cheaper to buy than rent.

Are black cabs a dying trade?

The number of new applications for black cab licences has dropped by almost 95% in a decade, from 3,484 in 2011-12 to just 221 in 2021. As a result, London Taxi PR, a group which promotes the historic industry, has launched the largest ever campaign to promote the Knowledge, and encourage new drivers.

Is it illegal to hail a cab in London?

Only black cabs can be hailed in the street. If the yellow taxi sign is on, the cab is available for hire.

Can you flag a taxi in the UK?

You can flag them down in the street Stand in a suitable place beside the road and put your hand out. Look for the orange taxi sign above the windscreen, the taxi is only available if this sign is lit up.

Can you flag a black cab in London?

All other taxis are classed as Private Hire vehicles and must be pre-booed, either by phone or app. “Black” cabs (not all are actually painted black) can be flagged down as they have a Hackney Carriage licence. Mini cabs, taxis from outside London or Ubers cannot be flagged down on the street.

Can you flag down a black cab?

Can you flag down a black cab? You can flag down a Hackney carriage (black and white taxi) but not a private hire vehicle, those must be pre-booked.

Do you tip cab drivers in London?

If you're taking one of the famous black cabs, it's customary to tip. If you're traveling by minicab or Uber, things are slightly different. So, how much would I add to the fare in a London taxi? The general consensus is that you add about 10% to the fare when using London's famous Hackney cabs.

What is the black cab rule?

The rule derives its name from the tradition by which a hackney carriage driver at the head of a queue of taxicabs is obliged to take the first passenger requesting a ride.

Do people still use black cabs?

There are currently around 21,000 black cabs in London, licensed by the Public Carriage Office.

Can I own a taxi in the UK?

Yes, you can buy a London taxi and keep it as a personal vehicle. However, you should ensure that you aren't misleading people into thinking the black cab is for hire – to do so, make sure the cab is modified so it's fit for private use.