Can you travel to Cuba with a DUI?

Can you travel to Cuba with a DUI? Fortunately, there are many countries with no restrictions on those with DUIs. The list is exceedingly long, meaning your options are aplenty. Countries such as Cuba, Dominican Republic, India, Thailand, and South Korea are all open to those with a history of DUI convictions.

What items are hard to get in Cuba?

Pharmacies are almost empty and medication is hard to come by. These days, a growing black market on the internet is one of the few places where Cubans can find commodities such as antibiotics, soap or toilet paper. Cuba is certainly no stranger to food shortages and a lack of access to basic items.

Is it safe to go to Cuba right now?

Cuba - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to crime. Country Summary: Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery, homicide, and sexual assault, sometimes occurs in Cuba.