Can you travel through Europe only speaking English?

Can you travel through Europe only speaking English? It depends where you go, most parts of Europe would be reasonably navigable with only speaking English. To be polite at least put in some effort to learn the language of the countries you are visiting. It's a small gesture and it will endear the locals to be more inclined to help you.

What is the most English friendly country in Europe?

With a proficiency of 71.45%, the Netherlands is the country with the highest proficiency in English in all of continental Europe. Whether it's the similarities between English and Dutch, or some other factor, the population of this region can speak English at near-native levels.

Can you go to Paris if you only speak English?

It is definitely possible to travel to France while only speaking English. Especially in the more tourist oriented areas, it really is not a problem to only speak English. While France has less English speakers than other European countries, it was still relatively easy to manage.

Can I travel to Italy from UK without visa?

Italy Entry Requirements from the UK British passport holders do not need a visa to visit Italy short term. UK citizens can spend up to 90 days in Italy, or elsewhere in the Schengen area, visa-free.

Can you travel in Italy if you only speak English?

If you're traveling to Italy for a short period of time, you can totally get by without knowing the language. Most people in tourist locations such as Venice, Rome, Florence, Milan etc. know a fair bit of English. If not fluent, but enough to get by.

Can I travel to Greece only speaking English?

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