Can you travel Japan by yourself?

Can you travel Japan by yourself? In conclusion, it's very easy to travel to Japan on your own. Whether you want to discover the country on your own, or meet new people and share unforgettable moments, there's something for everyone. With the help of our many tips, you can tailor your trip to suit your desires!

Is Osaka safe for solo female travellers?

Osaka, like much of Japan, is incredibly safe even for solo female travelers. The rate of petty crimes such as theft, pickpocketing, and similar scams is remarkably low. Japanese culture heavily emphasizes respect and integrity, which contributes to this safe environment.

Is Japan safe for foreign girls?

Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. This is a line you. You often hear when you're planning a trip to Japan. However, at the same time there are no shortages of stories of perverts harassing women in public spaces and threatening their safety.

Is Japan a cheap place to travel?

Japan has a reputation as an expensive place to travel to, but it's an image that doesn't hold up on the ground. With a little strategy, a visit can be very reasonable – budget-friendly, even. Many of the country's major sights, for example, cost nothing, and free festivals take place year-round.

Is Kyoto safe for solo female travellers?

Safety at night:Very safe Nevertheless, as with any place, it's always a good idea to stay vigilant especially in less crowded areas or during the very late hours. But overall, it offers a secure setting for solo female travelers.

Where should I go for the first time in Japan?

Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka are the top places to visit in Japan for first-timers if you only have 1 week or so. Most Japan first-timers travel to Tokyo, Kyoto or Osaka. These three cities represent the best of Japan's urban experience, with a unique blend of traditional and contemporary Japanese culture.

How English friendly is Kyoto?

When traveling in Japan, especially if you're in one of the big cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, you'll generally have no problem not speaking Japanese at all. There are usually English signs all over train stations and airports.

Where to avoid staying in Tokyo?

The areas with the largest number of crime incidents, namely Shinjuku, Setagaya, and Edogawa, are also areas with a comparatively high population. Likewise, few people live in the low-crime areas of Bunkyo, Meguro, and Arakawa.

What month is the best time to go to Japan?

The best time to visit Japan is between March and May and between September and November as it's both warm and dry between these periods. However, the joys of springtime and the iconic blooming of the cherry blossoms in Japan are no secret, which means you'll be sharing the space with plenty of other travelers.

Can I visit Tokyo if I only speak English?

Short answer: yes. Many Japanese people speak at least a little English, and you can usually find them in hotels, especially if you stick to major cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, etc. Learn a few words like “please” and “thank you” and “excuse me,” and you'll get along even better.

Is Tokyo friendly to tourists?

One of the first things you'll notice during your Japan travel trip is how incredibly welcoming Japanese are towards foreigners (thank you Japan!). They are well known for their politeness and deep rooted traditions, so they definitely don't expect travellers to know all the social faux pas right off the bat.