Can you travel at any time with an open return?

Can you travel at any time with an open return? An Open Return is a flexible ticket that doesn't make you choose a specific time or date to return. They're valid for one calendar month from the date of the outward journey.

Can I get an earlier train than the one I booked Trainline?

Can I get an earlier train with an Advance ticket? Advance train tickets aren't flexible, so you must catch the train specified on your ticket. If you catch an earlier train, you may have to pay additional fees, so please check with ticket staff at the station.

Why is open return better?

Open Return tickets allow you to be flexible on the train you decide to travel back on. There are two different ways to buy Open Return tickets. If you started your search by selecting Return journey you'll be asked to choose which train you want to return on, even if the ticket you select is an Open Return ticket.

Can I get the next Trainline if my train is Cancelled?

If your train is cancelled, you can use your existing ticket to travel on the next available service... Advance Singles – hop on the next available train with the same train operator. Flexible tickets – such as Off-Peak and Anytime tickets offer flexibility and you can travel at various times of the day.

Can I use an off-peak return at any time?

Not to be confused with Off-Peak Day Returns, the Off-Peak Return ticket requires you to make the outward part of your journey on the date shown on the ticket. The return part of your journey, however, can be completed on any day on an Off-Peak train within one calendar month of the ticket's issue date.

Is it OK to skip return flight?

But if you intentionally miss the last leg of the journey, your ticket won't be cancelled, as there is nothing left for the airline to cancel. If you skip the first flight, your return flight also gets cancelled. To avoid that, don't ever skip a flight on a return flight.