Can you transport large items with Uber?

Can you transport large items with Uber? You can, but order a Ubel XL or SUV to be sure there is room. Be sure to tip your driver if he/she helps with loading/unloading. Yes, you can use Uber or Lyft to transport you and your stuff, just order the proper vehicle size.

What is the difference between UberX and Uber connect?

The main difference between Uber and Uber Connect is that the latter service cannot be used to ride as a passenger.

How big of a package can Uber deliver?

Packages that are shipped through Uber Connect must be prepaid, sealed and ready to be shipped. Additionally, packages must weigh less than 30 pounds and be under $100 in value. Uber's shipping guidelines prohibit the delivery of some items, such as money, gift cards and fragile items.

Are extra large suitcases allowed?

Most airlines require that your bag be 62 linear inches or less. Therefore, your bag's length, width and height cannot exceed 62 inches. This measurement includes the wheels and the handle of your luggage.

Can I use Uber to transport items?

What is Uber Connect? Uber Connect is an option that allows you to request a driver to transport your package(s) to a person waiting at a designated dropoff location. You can also request a package to be sent to you from a designated sender.

Is Uber SUV bigger than UberXL?

UberXL is the bigger version of UberX (can accommodate more passengers). UberSuv is the bigger version of Uber Black (can accommodate more passengers).

Can UberX fit 2 large suitcases?

Worst case scenario, 2 passengers and 2 “empty seats”. So yes most any Uberx should be able to accommodate at least 1 Suitcase in the trunk (I can handle 2–3 depending on size, in addition my stuff), but you can also put a suitcase in the middle of the rear seat between the passengers and another in the front.

What is UberX and XL?

The main difference between UberX and UberXL is that an UberX car can only fit 4 riders and an Uber XL car can fit 6 riders. Uber X - Uber's budget option. When you select an Uber X car, an everyday car with seating for up to 4 people will arrive to pick you up.

What is UberXL like?

Created for the ones who don't want to leave any friend behind, UberXL is a service that provides SUVs and vans for larger groups of people. UberXL cars must be licensed to carry six people, excluding the driver and have plenty of boot space.

How big is UberXL luggage?

The XL Rides If there are 4 or less passengers (this allows 3rd row of seating to be folded down), you can fit 4-5 large suitcases or 5-6 medium suitcases. If you have a party of 6 you will only be able to fit 2-3 medium suitcases behind the 3rd row.

Can UberXL fit 6 with luggage?

An Uber XL will accommodate up to 6 passengers. Usually an XL is a large SUV, or a van. The number of passengers is not any problem. Regarding the luggage, assuming it isn't extremely large, cumbersome, (your question didn't include approximate sizes) then it all should transport; 2 carry-ons, fine.

What airports do not allow Uber?

Of the 40 busiest U.S. airports, 10 don't allow pickups unless drivers have a chauffeur's license or livery plates, including Atlanta, Orlando, Detroit, Boston and Philadelphia. Seattle, Minneapolis and New Orleans started allowing legal ride-sharing pickups only this year.