Can you take photos in Cathedral?

Can you take photos in Cathedral? In most cases they are allowed to except on certain days or times. When there is any sort of service going on then it is not allowed as it disturbs the people there for the service. I have visited many churches and cathedrals around the world and only a small minority have a “no photography” policy at all times.

Can you take pictures in Westminster Cathedral?

Yes, visitors may take personal photographs whilst in Westminster Abbey. Please don't use flash, selfie sticks, or tripods. You cannot take video recordings. During services, you cannot take photos.

How strict is the Sistine Chapel?

It's forbidden to show up with bare sleeves. In summer the solution can be to bring a cardigan or a shoulder cover to wear inside the Museums. Pants or skirts must cover up to the knee. It is absolutely forbidden to wear a top that leaves the belly open.

What is not allowed in Vatican?

The Vatican decrees that “low cut or sleeveless clothing, shorts, miniskirts and hats are not allowed“, but as some of this is open to interpretation depending on your perspective, it's worth examining the rules in a little more detail!

Is it illegal to take photos in the Sistine Chapel?

Sistine Chapel The Chapel is the only place in the Vatican that photography and filming are completely banned. Undoubtedly one of the world's most famous buildings, the Sistine Chapel is a testament to the immense skill of history's greatest artists within the Renaissance era.

Should I bring my passport to the Vatican?

9) Do you need a passport to go to the Vatican? No, you do not need to bring your passport with you. Even if you are entering another state and Vatican City has its own passports, postal service and stamps, bank and euro, telephone system, radio station, pharmacy and national football team too!