Can you take multivitamins to Dubai?

Can you take multivitamins to Dubai? Can you take vitamins to Dubai? Yes, vitamins can be brought into the UAE. You are allowed to bring vitamins and supplements without providing a letter.

What items are not allowed in checked luggage UAE?

Banned items include, but are not limited to:
  • controlled/recreational drugs and narcotic substances.
  • pirated content.
  • counterfeit currency.
  • items used in black magic, witchcraft or sorcery.
  • publications and artwork that contradict or challenge Islamic teachings and values.
  • gambling tools and machines.

What can you not bring into Dubai?

Banned items include, but are not limited to:
  • controlled/recreational drugs and narcotic substances.
  • pirated content.
  • counterfeit currency.
  • items used in black magic, witchcraft or sorcery.
  • publications and artwork that contradict or challenge Islamic teachings and values.
  • gambling tools and machines.

Can you take deodorant to Dubai?

Airport regulations in the UAE If you're travelling to or transiting through any UAE airport: Carry liquids, aerosols and gels in a transparent, re-sealable plastic bag with a maximum capacity of 1l. The contents of each container must not exceed 100ml.