Can you take dog on public transit Amsterdam?

Can you take dog on public transit Amsterdam? Your dog & public transport Amsterdam has great public transport, and they love dogs too. Small pups are allowed to travel for free, but big dogs need a special “dog card” on the trains, which you can easily buy online or at the train station.

Can I take my dog on the train with me?

Only one pet per carrier permitted. Maximum weight of pet with carrier is 20 pounds. The maximum size for pet carriers is 19 long x 14 wide x 10.5 high. For your pet's comfort and safety, it must be able to sit, lie down and remain entirely inside without touching the sides of the carrier.

Why are there no dogs on Eurostar?

Eurostar is not registered as a carrier of pets and therefore, we're unfortunately unable to make any exceptions. We do, however, allow guide and assistance dogs to travel with their owners and request that customers contact us at least 48 hours in advance of travel to make a request.