Can you stay in the Alhambra in Granada?

Can you stay in the Alhambra in Granada? Located inside the Alhambra – which is one of the world's great architectural wonders – is the stately, yet charming Parador Granada. Put simply, a stay in this hotel is a magical experience!

Does Alhambra Palace have a dress code?

There is not a particular dress code to be followed while visiting Alhambra Palace in Granada.

Is it better to visit Alhambra at night or day?

In our opinion, the night visit to the Palacios Nazaríes is not worth it. You should only choose this option if you have already visited the Alhambra during the day several times, and you are curious to know what the night visit is like.

Which city is more beautiful Seville or Granada?

The architecture and gardens of the Real Alcázar Sevilla are just as fascinating as the Alhambra. The Cathedral and adjoining La Giralda are preeminent. Once you have been to Sevilla, you will want to return. Granada is more scenic, has nice restaurants, the Alhambra and free tapas.

Can you go in and out of the Alhambra?

You can access to every place inside the Alhambra (Alcazaba, Nasrid Palaces, Partal and Generalife) just once. However, you can go in and out of the complex all the times you need.

What is the best season to visit Alhambra?

Best time of the year: The months of spring and summer make for the best times to visit the Alhambra. The flowers are in full bloom during these seasons and you can also take a few hours of respite from the Mediterranean sun inside the fortress.

Should I spend more time in Granada or Malaga?

What is better to visit Malaga or Granada? Even though Malaga is the bigger city and at first glance, it might seem there's more to do, I prefer Granada. The smaller city has such a unique charm and there are so many things to discover.

Is Alhambra in Granada worth visiting?

The Alhambra, one of the 10 World Heritage Sites in Andalusia. It's true that Andalusia has many World Heritage sites, but by far the most visited and most spectacular is the Alhambra, a monumental historic site.

Is one day enough for Alhambra?

On a one-day trip to Granada you will not have time to visit the Alhambra Museum and the Forest of the Alhambra, for example. An unforgettable way to see the Alhambra is with a Alhambra Guided Tour. Approximate time 3-4 hours: from 08:30 to 12:00.

How many days in Granada is enough?

If you are going to stay in Granada only for one day, the itinerary plan might be slightly more intense than usual. It is advisable to stay in Granada for at least two or three days.

What are the rules for visiting the Alhambra?

Do not drink, eat or smoke (except in in designated areas). No photography with tripods or flash (not even for night time visits), without authorized permission. Respect and follow the instructions. No touching the decorations on the walls.

Is it better to stay in Granada or Cordoba?

between Cordoba and Granada, I would say, if i had to pick one out of the two, you are most likely to get a lot out of Granada. this is no intended to downgrade Cordoba, because both cities are intresting and charming in thier own way.

How long can you stay in Alhambra?

The estimated time to complete a full visit is approximately 3 hours. You will only be allowed to access the monument in the morning, afternoon or night schedule depending on the type of ticket you purchased (see type of ticket).

Can you sleep in the Alhambra?

The Parador de Granada in Andalusia offers one of the most romantic opportunities of any hotel in the world: to sleep inside the Alhambra. So popular has this 36 bedroom Granada Parador become that rooms need to be booked up to six months in advance.

Can I wear sandals to Alhambra?

Dress in comfortable clothing With the warm weather and the hours of walking ahead of you, I would definitely say to wear comfortable shoes and light clothing. If you're planning on walking to the Alhambra, you'll find a pretty large hill waiting for you, so make sure you don't wear sandals.

What is the best part of Granada to stay in?

El Realejo has got the lot: culture, history, nightlife and fantastic restaurants. If you're looking for a lively and hip vibe, and don't mind being a tad outside El Centro to do it, El Realejo is probably the best area to stay in Granada for you.

Which is nicer Seville or Granada?

In our opinion, Granada is the better choice if you only have a day or two! After all, it's simply not possible to see everything Seville has to offer in such a short amount of time. However, Seville is definitely worth visiting if you have three days or more. This way, you'll be able to see all the city has to offer!

How much does the Alhambra Palace cost?

General Alhambra Entrance: 19.05 euros. It is the most popular entrance and the most complete, includes everything: the Nasrid Palaces, Generalife and Alcazaba. Generalife Gardens and Alcazaba: 10,61 euros.