Can you skip the elevator part in Haunted Mansion?

Can you skip the elevator part in Haunted Mansion? You can, in fact, ride the Haunted Mansion attraction and skip the stretching room. Simply ask the Haunted Mansion Cast Member as you enter the Mansion if you can use the bypass, and they will guide you through.

Does the haunted mansion room go down?

The question you may be asking yourself, did the ceiling go up or did we go down? The answer to that questions lies with what Haunted Mansion you are in. If you are in the Disneyland version of the Haunted Mansion, your room went down and if you were in the Walt Disney World version, the ceiling went up.

Is there a secret entrance to Haunted Mansion?

Description. The secret entrance is an underground passageway which goes from a door in the pun crypts outside the manor to the estate's portrait corridor. The entrance contained several portraits along with a servants' bell board.

Why does Haunted Mansion have a 13 minute wait?

It's a commonly known fact that when both Haunted Mansion and Tower of Terror aren't busy, they post a wait time of 13 minutes. This is a bit of a joke and also tells guests that the ride is a walk-on and that there is actually no wait.

Can you be buried at The Haunted Mansion?

To be eligible for burial at The Haunted Mansion, guests must have a valid will stating their desire to be laid to rest at the attraction. They also need the appropriate legal documentation. And of course sign up and pay the $99,999 for the plot.

What is the hardest haunted house to get through?

Visitors at Tennessee's McKamey Manor pay to be bound and tortured for up to eight hours in what is the most extreme haunted house experience in America.

Can you skip the elevator in Haunted Mansion?

Skipping the Haunted Mansion Stretching Room pre-show PLUS skipping the actual ride if you change your mind (for anyone) If you get to the pre-show and decide you don't want to go through with it, you can exit before it begins. Just let a cast member know and they'll escort you out through a special exit.

Is Haunted Mansion too scary for 1 year old?

This ride is fine for very young infants to toddlers (up to age 3). This is typically when toddlers start to become a bit more aware of scary things.

What is the scariest part of the haunted mansion?

Haunted Mansion” is true to the beloved Disneyland ride, which never gets any scarier than the elongated walls and hanging silhouette of the mansion lobby.

Is Haunted Mansion a walk through ride?

The Haunted Mansion is a dark ride attraction located at Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, and Tokyo Disneyland. The haunted house attraction features a ride-through tour in Omnimover vehicles called Doom Buggies, and a walk-through show is displayed to riders waiting in the queue line.

Can you skip the stretching room at Haunted Mansion Disney World?

The stretching room is often one of the scariest parts for kids, but you can ask the Cast Members at the entrance to skip it. Otherwise, there is no gore and the ride is slow-moving. We have a full guide on several other things that might scare little ones at WDW.

How many elevators does the Haunted Mansion have?

The Haunted Mansion is such a large ride that they needed to find some way to get guests below the railroad berm so that they could access the large show building beyond. Walt Disney World had no such space issues — and thus no reason for an elevator.

Are there actually 999 ghosts in the Haunted Mansion?

So, what's the grand total? 186. That's a far cry from the 999 ghosts Disneyland claims reside in the mansion, which, according to the “Haunted Mansion” episode of “Behind the Attraction,” was first described as a retirement home for ghosts when it was under construction.