Can you see whales in Madeira in April?

Can you see whales in Madeira in April? Though marine life is present year-round, it's said that the best time to see whales in Madeira is between April and September/October. This is because there are usually more species around at this time due to both resident and migratory species being present.

Are there sharks around Madeira?

Sharks are widely distributed around Madeira Island with the most abundant species being M. mustelus.

Are there dolphins around Madeira?

Just 5km (3 mi) off the coast of the island, the ocean depths can reach more than 3,000m (9,850ft) making Madeira's surrounding waters ideal for whales, dolphins, and a multitude of other marine species to swim through.

What month are whales best in Madeira?

The best time to go, however, is between May and September, when whales and dolphins are most plentiful. Several species, including bottlenose dolphins, pilot whales, and sperm whales, can be seen throughout the year. From April to October, Bryde's whales are common, as are Atlantic spotted dolphins.

What is the best time to go whale watching?

One of the reasons that the morning time is the best time of day for whale watching has to do with weather and ocean conditions. The wind is a key player when it comes to smooth seas, and morning trips often have less wind.

Does whale watching get cold?

The temperature is usually 10 to 15 degrees colder out on the ocean. Even when it is hot on land, you often need a sweatshirt or light jacket on the water. Throw one in a bag—better safe than sorry. When is the best time to see the whales?