Can you see sharks in St Lucia?

Can you see sharks in St Lucia? While rare, sharks are still seen in St Lucia. The most common one spotted by scuba divers is the Caribbean reef shark.

Do sharks swim in the Caribbean?

In the Caribbean Sea, tiger, hammerhead, and Caribbean reef sharks are often seen. In the Mid-Atlantic region, sandbar, sand tiger, and smooth dogfish sharks frequent nearshore waters, especially during the summer.

Are there orcas in St Lucia?

St. Lucia has its fair share of resident and visiting cetaceans, look out for pods of Spinning, Spotted Dolphins, and Pilot, Sperm and Orca whales, these are some of the mammals that can be seen in our waters.

Are there snakes in St Lucia?

There are actually four types of snakes in St Lucia. You only need to worry if they are hungry and you are small !! If you stay in normal inhabited areas, you will not find any snakes. Thank you all for the reassurance!!

Is it safe to swim in St Lucia Beach?

Don't go swimming along the East/Atlantic coast except in a few desgnated areas, such as directly in front of Coconut Bay Resort. The Atlantic has several strong currents in different areas, and can be rougher seas overall. No lifeguards at all on any of the beaches here in St. Lucia.

Is there great white sharks in St Lucia?

If you're taking a trip to St Lucia hoping to see some large toothy fish, you may be disappointed. Sharks aren't common off the coast of the island which isn't to say you won't see one, but it is very unlikely.

Are there great white sharks in the Caribbean?

Range. The white shark occurs worldwide in temperate and subtropical waters, often migrating seasonally to follow its preferred temperature range (approximately 50 to 80 °F). In the U.S. Atlantic, they range from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. Caribbean.

Does St Lucia Caribbean have crocodiles?

There are at least 1 200 crocodiles found in the St Lucia estuarine system alone and is an important predator within aquatic systems in the area. Nile crocodiles will feed on fish, birds such as Pelicans, and wildlife such as monkeys, buck, hippos and other Nile crocodiles.

What should I be careful of in St. Lucia?

avoid isolated areas, including beaches, after dark. only use licensed taxis. do not carry large amounts of cash or jewellery. leave valuables and travel documents in your hotel safe or a safety deposit box.

Does St Lucia get tsunami?

In the area you have selected (Saint Lucia) tsunami hazard is classified as medium according to the information that is currently available.

Where is the clearest water in St. Lucia?

Also known as Jalousie Beach, Sugar Beach, is famous for its aqua blue waters and soft sand beach located between the two Pitons of St. Lucia. The waters of Sugar Beach bring that image of crystal clear turquoise waters to the next level. The reason for this is that the waters near Jalousie Beach are protected.

What animal is St Lucia known for?

The nation's best-known species is the gorgeous but endangered Saint Lucia amazon parrot. Other species of conservation concern include the pencil cedar, staghorn coral and Saint Lucia racer. The racer, confined to the nine-hectare island of Maria Major, is thought to be the world's most threatened snake.