Can you see drones on Flightradar24?

Can you see drones on Flightradar24? This may be old news for some, but I noticed the recent Beta version of Flightradar24 has added 'Drones' to their list of filters.

What can radar not detect?

It's widely known that RADAR systems are not able to detect stationary objects, only moving ones. Actually, they are are to detect them but just not where they come from, so a barrier in the middle of the road and a traffic sign on the side of the street, they would look like the same to the RADAR system.

Does Flightradar24 show military aircraft?

Websites such as, and aggregate flight data in the United States and abroad using a mix of commercial and citizen-owned sensors that capture the movements of commercial, civilian and military aircraft in real time, 24 hours a day.

Does Air Force 1 show up on Flightradar24?

Information about a small number of flights may be limited or blocked based on requests from owners or operators via third-party services, such as the FAA LADD. Some high profile aircraft, such as Air Force One are not displayed.