Can you log PIC without a flight review?

Can you log PIC without a flight review? You need not have a current medical, nor flight review; you don't even need the proper endorsements if they're required to log PIC time. Please recognize that in order for this to take place there must be an acting PIC on board the aircraft responsible for the safety and operation of the flight.

Do flight instructors log PIC time?

Flight instructors may log any flight time as PIC whenever they are providing flight instruction, whether or not they are acting as PIC (FAR 61.51).

Can you log PIC without a complex endorsement?

So is there any way for a not yet HP/Complex endorsed Private Pilot to log PIC time in a Mooney? Yes! As long as they fly with another pilot or instructor who is qualified to act as PIC in a Mooney (including BFR, current, medical, and Complex/HP endorsements).

Can I log PIC time without a medical?

To legally act as PIC, a private, commercial, and airline transport pilot must have a current medical certificate and have all required endorsements, ratings, and recency of experience for the type of aircraft being flown and the flight conditions under which the flight is conducted (FAR 61.3, 61.31, 61.56, 61.57).

Is a pilot required to log every flight?

In the United States, a pilot is required to log all flight time that is used to meet the minimum requirements for a certificate, rating, flight review, or instrument proficiency check, and for currency. This means that a pilot does not need to record every single one of his or her flights.