Can you log cross country time if you don't land?

Can you log cross country time if you don't land? To meet the requirements for the ATP certificate, cross-country time is more than 50 nm straight-line distance from the original point of departure with no requirement for a landing.

What is considered a solo cross-country flight?

Cross Country flight must include a landing at an airport more than 50 nautical (not statute) miles from the original point of departure. Additional cross country requirements apply – e.g. night XC must be over 100nm total. The long solo XC has to include one leg of over 50 nm, plus be over 150 nm total. Sec.

How long is a 61.58 good for?

Under§ 61.58(a), no person may act as PIC of an aircraft that is type ce1tificated for more than one required flight crewmember or is turbojet-powered unless (1) within the preceding 12 calendar months, the pilot has completed a proficiency check in an aircraft that is type certificated for more than one required pilot ...

Do flight instructors log PIC time?

Flight instructors may log any flight time as PIC whenever they are providing flight instruction, whether or not they are acting as PIC (FAR 61.51).

Can two pilots log XC time?

The pilot in the other seat is only a passenger as the aircraft does not require more than one crew member. So, only the pilot flying can log PIC time. Once airborne the pilot at the controls tells his passenger that he'd like to do some simulated instrument time.

Can two pilots log PIC time at the same time?

Yes! A common situation in which two private pilots can log pilot in command time (assuming each pilot is rated to fly the airplane) is when one pilot is flying under the hood for instrument proficiency or currency, and the second pilot is performing the role of the safety pilot.

What is the most flight hours logged by a pilot?

John Edward Long, Jr. (1915–July 18, 1999) was an American pilot who is in the Guinness Book of Records for the most flight time by a pilot: over 65,000 hours (more than seven years and four months) at the time of his death. He began in 1933 at the age of 17, when he took his first and only flying lesson.

Can you log flight time if you dont take off?

According to the Kania 2004 FAA Interpretation, as long as the flight was not terminated or suspended, you're 100% legal to log each minute as flight time while parked on the taxiway. The same concept holds true for ground delays when you're awaiting takeoff clearance.

What is required to log flight time?

That is, the FARs say you must log date, flight time, departure and arrival airport(s), aircraft make and model and identification, and the name of the safety pilot, if required. You also need to log the type of pilot experience, such as PIC, and conditions of the flight, such as day, night, or instrument.

Do I need to cancel a flight or just not turn up?

Simply not showing up means your chance of a refund is essentially zero. Cancelling in advance means that you may be entitled to a partial or full credit, depending on the rules for the particular fare you purchased. Even if you have a non-refundable ticket, the airline might be willing to make an exception.