Can you kayak on Blue Springs Lake?

Can you kayak on Blue Springs Lake? The ramp east of Woods Chapel Road is for canoes, kayaks, and other small boats.

Is Blue Springs safe to swim in?

Can you swim in Blue Springs? Yes, swimming and scuba diving are permitted at Blue Springs, Florida. Check at the entrance if you are required to register. However, the spring run closes during the winter to protect the migratory manatees.

How deep is Blue Springs?

Description: The spring is 120 feet deep, but only certified cave divers are allow to dive to that depth. Open water certified divers can dive to 60 feet where they would see a big warning sign bolted down at the mouth of the cave telling them to heed the warning and turn back.

How early should I get to Blue Springs?

Tip: the best time to visit Blue Spring State Park is in the mid morning before the sun is fully up and warming the waters. As the day goes on, the manatees work their way back into the St Johns River. In the morning there are also smaller crowds, so it's much more pleasant.

Is Blue Springs fresh water?

Ruth B. Kirby Gilchrist Blue Springs State Park is in the north central part of the state, an area well known for the many spectacular freshwater springs found along the Suwannee and Santa Fe rivers.