Can you have a family and still be a flight attendant?

Can you have a family and still be a flight attendant? I have 2 boys, When I started flying they were 8 and 10. You can do it and you will adjust. The very first year was the hardest for me because I wasn't based where my children lived & I was on reserve, you have very little control over your schedule.

Do flight attendants have fertility issues?

Studies have explored the effect that exposure to radiation, flame retardants, and other occupational hazards have on flight attendant health, including fertility. Others have pointed out that flight attendants are far more likely to miscarriage than women in other professions.

Can I be a flight attendant and have a boyfriend?

Yes! Although I am not sure why this is being asked. Humans are all the same and so are flight attendants. Flight attendants take relationships very seriously and so should you if you are dating one.

Do flight attendants have time for their families?

Airline companies want crew members to be well-rested to ensure safe travel, so a company might limit the hours crew members can work. Many flight attendants work three days per week. This can be a great benefit for some people, as it allows more time for travel, family or personal interests.

Do flight attendants get paid well?

Average Flight Attendant Pay vs. Flight Attendants earned an average salary of $62,280 in 2021.

Do flight attendants sleep on long flights?

Crew require a minimum of three hours rest when the flight duty period exceeds 14 hours (from when crew 'sign on' to 15 minutes after engines off). For flight duty periods longer than 18 hours, 4.5 hours bunk rest is required. The crew take turns for rest breaks. The first group will rest after the first meal service.

Is it hard to have a relationship as a flight attendant?

Flight attendants lead unique, fast-paced lives that can make dating them an exciting and rewarding experience. However, their unconventional schedules and frequent travels also bring about challenges that require understanding, patience, and adaptability from their partners.

Do flight attendants need to know how do you deliver a baby?

According to Bubb, not that prepared. All flight attendants and cabin crew are required to be trained in advanced CPR, but most don't have additional medical training to prepare for an onboard delivery.

Are flight attendants home a lot?

They may spend several nights per week or per month away from home. In most cases, a contract between the airline and the flight attendant union determines the total daily and monthly workable hours. On-duty shifts per day may vary from 4 to 18 hours or longer, such as for international flights.

Can you be a flight attendant and have another job?

Flight attendant side hustles are not uncommon at all stages of the flight attendant career. The flight attendant job is so flexible that you can have a business or second job while you are working as a full time flight attendant.

How long is flight attendant training?

Airlines provide a three- to six-week training program for their flight attendants. You will typically attend training for eight hours a day throughout the duration of the program. This training prepares you to use airport codes, make PA announcements, perform routine job duties and handle in-flight emergencies.

How many days off do flight attendants get?

New flight attendants typically work a reserve schedule and must be close to the airport, or sometimes wait at the airport for a call to duty. Senior flight attendants enjoy more flexibility in their schedule and choice of destinations. Both roles enjoy the same travel benefits with about 12 days off per month.

Do flight attendants get free flights?

Free flights and travel opportunities
This means many flight attendants can fly for free on their company airlines even when they are not working. Airlines typically offer these free flights on standby, which means the paying customers get on first, and then any extra seats can go to crew members .

Can I be a weekend only flight attendant?

As a flight attendant, your schedule varies. Since airlines fly round the clock, you may work overnight or exclusively on Saturday and Sunday.

Can you make a living flight attendant?

Yes, you can make a decent living as a flight attendant. The median salary is $61,640 per year and there are many opportunities to make more than that based on your experience level, the airline you work for and even your geographic location.