Can you go to Paris Catacombs without reservation?

Can you go to Paris Catacombs without reservation? Currently there is a limit of 200 people on site at any one time, so to guarantee your entry, booking in advance is essential.

What is the best time of day to go to the catacombs?

People visiting Paris get very curious to explore the Paris Catacombs because it is very different from the other attractions in the city. A lot of tourists visit this place to discover and can get quite packed at times. The best time to visit the place during the day is early morning or late in the evening.

How do you skip the line at the Paris catacombs?

A popular misconception is that going early is the best tactic to avoid lines. In fact, the best time to visit the Catacombs is around 6pm. Reserve your Catacombs quick-access ticket online for a shorter wait. Catacombs in Paris is open every Tuesday – Sunday.

Can you tour the catacombs without a guide?

No, you must go with a guide. You cannot buy Roman catacombs tickets and walk around on your own inside. In some cases, you can go with a guide working for the site. In many cases, you can book a tour with a tour company.

Are Paris catacombs worth it?

Is a Tour of the Paris Catacombs Worth It? Short answer: Yes, it most definitely is. The area is an engineering marvel and full of significance—you'll find yourself getting more intrigued by the minute! Not to mention, guided tours have access to areas that are off-limits to the public.

Do the catacombs smell?

However, the strong smell of the Paris catacombs is apparently what all the initial signs were warning sensitive visitors about. At best, it could be likened to the dusty, incense-infused scent of old stone churches, but with an underlying malaise that can only be attributed to the contents of multiple cemeteries.

Can you just go into the catacombs?

Access to the catacombs is strictly limited, and only a relatively few visitors at a time are allowed on any given day at any given hour. The wait time, then, can be long. That's why we strongly recommend you sign up for a catacombs small-group guided walking tour that gets you underground ahead of the line.

Do Paris catacombs sell out?

How far in advance do you need to buy your tickets. The tickets for the Catacombs are often sold out super quickly as the attraction has a limited capacity of 200 visitors per day. On the official website, you can only buy them 1 week in advance BUT you can buy them a couple of weeks in advance on the ticket resellers.

How many people died in catacombs?

The Paris Catacombs have a fascinating history which dates back to ancient times, and is the final resting place of over 6 million Parisians.

Are the catacombs sanitary?

Hygiene. Both catacombs were dug largely for hygiene reasons. Rotting bodies in the middle of a city is not ideal, especially when they start piling up as they did in Paris. Both catacombs were created to avoid disease, but in Rome, they thought ahead.

Are the skulls in the catacombs real?

Despite the ritual with which they were transferred, the bones had simply been dumped into the tunnels in large heaps. Slowly but surely the quarrymen lined the walls with tibias and femurs punctuated with skulls which form the basis of most of the decorations that tourists see today.