Can you go on rides at Disney with a broken wrist?

Can you go on rides at Disney with a broken wrist? Take care when entering and exiting rides. Even with a broken arm, you or your family member should be able to go on most rides at Disneyland. Take care when entering and exiting these rides, and make sure to keep the broken arm inside the ride at all times, so it doesn't get bumped or jostled.

Can you go to an amusement park with a broken wrist?

Just call and ask would be the best advice. Since it is his wrist, I do not seeing it being too much of a problem! I see people ALL the time getting on roller coasters with cast on their wrists... heck even I have done it.

Can you ride rides at Disney with a broken wrist?

WDW puts the warnings out there, but it's up to you to decide whether or not the warning applies to you. The CMs will not prevent her from riding anything unless the cast interferes with an over the shoulder restraint or would be a danger to other riders.

Can I go on roller coasters with a cast?

Riders with one missing arm or hand may ride, provided rider has ability to hold on with one functioning hand and brace themselves with two functioning legs. Riders must have control of their leg(s). Riders with arm or leg casts shall not ride.

Does Disney allow crutches?

You might not be able to take your crutches with you on most attractions, but there are places that are close to the loading areas where you will be able to place your crutches so they are close after you finish your experience.

Does Disney World use wrist bands?

Disney Bands are given to guests who are either staying at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel or are an Annual Pass-holder. If you are staying outside of a Walt Disney World Resort you can still buy your band at the park.

Can you get on roller coasters with broken arm?

Where I work the rule goes like this, if the cast covers one joint it is okay, the rider still has flexibility to move their arm, leg, or whatever. But if it covers two joints, such as wrist and elbow, then the person can't ride. But it is always important to know your limitations, so you don't injure yourself worse.

Can you ride a roller coaster with a broken wrist?

Where I work the rule goes like this, if the cast covers one joint it is okay, the rider still has flexibility to move their arm, leg, or whatever. But if it covers two joints, such as wrist and elbow, then the person can't ride. But it is always important to know your limitations, so you don't injure yourself worse.