Can you go around a bus when its stopped?

Can you go around a bus when its stopped? On all undivided highways (without a median), traffic in both directions must stop at least 20 feet from a stopped school bus that has its red lights flashing. You must not pass the bus until the lights are turned off or the bus starts moving.

Why do UK busses randomly stop?

Mainly in order to maintain schedule. Traffic on the streets is highly unpredictable. There is a certain degree of uncertainty associated with travel times from one stop to another even when the bus way is grade separated from other traffic. In mixed traffic, there is no way to predict travel times at all.

Do buses ever skip stops?

The bus is on a route that doesn't include stopping there. The bus is going out of service and is not picking up more passengers. The bus is completely full and no-one is getting off at that stop, so no-one will be able to get on and there is no point in stopping.

Can you go around a stopped bus?

General rules for school buses: Slow down and watch for children; never pass a stopped bus on the right; opposing traffic has to stop too, unless there are three or more marked lanes of traffic (one of those lanes can be a center turn lane), or the road is separated by the median or by a physical barrier.

Do you have to say thank you to the bus driver?

Bus drivers are people who take extra precautions and get people to where they need to go. So as riders, we can at least say thank you. It might not mean a lot to you, but it'll mean a lot to the driver. The proverb of thanking the bus driver is not only something you should do every once in a while, but every day.

Can you get fined for stopping in a bus stop UK?

You are not allowed to load or unload in a bus stop and you should have sought an alternative place to load or unload your vehicle where the restrictions allow you to do so. You are therefore liable for the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

Do bus drivers like being thanked?

Do bus drivers like it when people say thank you? Dozens of London bus drivers who were interviewed as part of the research said passengers greeting them with 'good morning' or 'thank you' have a positive impact on their happiness and job satisfaction. They said it made them feel 'respected', 'seen' and 'appreciated'.

What is a bus stop Clearway?

bus stop clearway means any markings placed on the carriageway, as specified under Regulation 29(1) of the General Directions conveying the existence of a 'bus stop/clearway' as defined by Part 1 of Schedule 19 of the General Directions.

Is it illegal to park opposite a bus stop UK?

Rule 243 of the Highway Code says DO NOT stop or park in the following places: Near a school entrance. Anywhere you would prevent access for emergency services. At or near a bus/tram stop or taxi rank.