Can you get a tan in Orlando in January?

Can you get a tan in Orlando in January? You can get a tan in Florida in the winter and even sunburn. As long as it is not raining, you will get some sun when you are outside. It will take longer to get a tan as you may in the spring through fall, but you'll likely get a nice rosy glow.

Do I need sunscreen in Florida in winter?

Experts caution that it's just as important to protect skin from the sun during the winter months as it is during other times of the year. Water and sun, appealing characteristics that attract people to Florida during the winter, are also two of the most common culprits of sunburned skin.

Do you need sunscreen in Disney in January?

Even though the nighttime temperatures can dip, in December, January, and February the weather can be in the 70's during the day and the sun is out to play. It's important to realize that even if you travel during the winter, you should make sunscreen application part of your daily routine.

Is Florida still warm in January?

Florida weather in January January is the coolest month of the year in Florida, with average lows of around 49 F (around 10 C) in Orlando. However, temperatures in the middle of the day can hit 74 F in the Florida Keys (around 23 C), making it possible to spend plenty of time exploring the great outdoors.

Is there a safe way to tan in the winter?

She said if you do want to stay tan for winter, consider a self-tanner instead. There are many options available at the store and salons. Dr. Piliang said self-tanners won't damage your DNA or increase your risk for skin cancer.

Can you get sunburn in January?

It's all about the elements around you. Snow, ice, and altitude—on top of the sun's rays shining through cold and cloudy skies—can all put your skin at increased risk. While UVB rays aren't as strong as in the summer, they're still a cause for concern in the colder months.

Can you tan in January?

The UV rays have to filter through more atmosphere and their effect on your skin is lower in the winter months, because the Sun is at a shallower angle. Tanning naturally during the winter may be a better thing, because the rays are less harmful.