Can you get a refund if train is delayed?

Can you get a refund if train is delayed? Yes, you can get a refund for your unused train ticket, with no fees, if your train is delayed or cancelled and you decide not to travel.

What are my rights if a train is delayed or Cancelled in Germany?

In the event of an expected delay of more than 60 minutes at the destination station (e. g. due to a severe delay or cancellation of your train), you can discontinue your journey or refrain from travelling if the journey has become pointless for you. In this case, you can have your ticket reimbursed.

Why is Trainline not letting me refund?

Refund Processing/ Refund - Action Required – Before we can process your refund we may need you to return your tickets. Refund Rejected– We're unable to refund your tickets. This could be because you've scanned your eticket or activated your Mobile Ticket.

Is Amtrak delayed a lot?

Freight trains are still the #1 cause of delay to Amtrak passengers. While the law has required railroads to provide preference to passengers over freight for over 50 years, freight trains caused 1.1 million minutes of delay in 2022 alone — that's almost 2 years of passengers waiting for freight to go first.

How much does a train have to be delayed to get a refund?

If you're delayed and arrive at your destination more than half an hour late, you'll usually be able to get some money back. Some train companies will also give you compensation if your train is more than 15 minutes late.

What to do if late for Amtrak train?

Please call Amtrak 1-800-USA-RAIL or your travel agent if your planned itinerary includes a shorter connection. A guaranteed connection does not ensure that such a connection will always be made. In the case of a missed guaranteed connection, Amtrak will provide assistance at Amtrak's discretion.

Can I get on any other train if my train is Cancelled?

If a train is cancelled (and that's what's happened here) you're entitled to take the next train that matches any restrictions on your ticket. So if your ticket is routed via a certain place, you must go that way, or if it's only valid on a certain train company, you must use that companies services.

How do I know if my train is delayed?

You can always visit to learn the real-time status of a train. Click “Train Status” on the top bar of the homepage and enter a few key pieces of information to learn when a train will be arriving.

Can I get the next train if I miss mine Trainline?

If your connecting train is with the same Carrier as the delayed train you will be able to travel on the next available train to your destination.

Can you use the same train ticket at a different time?

No, your ticket is not valid for any other train and you would most likely be kicked off the train at the next stop once they try to scan your ticket. Or make you buy a new ticket on the spot of course.

Are Euro train tickets refundable?

Please be aware that most reservation tickets are non-refundable, and no changes can be made after booking. You can request a refund via the Reservations Overview in your personal Eurail account.