Can you get a bus to Auschwitz from Kraków?

Can you get a bus to Auschwitz from Kraków? There is an option to book a bus ticket directly to Auschwitz Museum from Krakow Bus Station. It is the easiest way to travel to Auschwitz Museum on your own. If you would like to travel independently by a public bus, this is the solution for you. We provide return tickets for the official carrier - Lajkonik.

How much is the entry fee for Auschwitz?

Visits to the memorial site (Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau) are free of charge. Due to the large volume of visitors, visitors are now only permitted to visit the memorial site without a guide at certain times.

Are there taxis at Auschwitz?

You can find a taxi at the taxi rank in front of the Museum entrance. You can also call a taxi using the following phone number: +48 32 19 194.

Can you go to Auschwitz in shorts?

It's best to wear long trousers when visiting Auschwitz, regardless of the weather. This signifies respect for the memory of those who suffered in the concentration camps and the historical site. Wearing shorts could be perceived as disrespectful by some visitors and staff.

Do they have a cafe at Auschwitz?

Consuming food is prohibited on the memorial grounds. Refreshments are not offered during your visit to Auschwitz, but you can visit the cafeteria in Auschwitz I camp for a quick bite. There are paid toilets available in both Auschwitz I and Birkenau concentration camps.

Is it expensive in Kraków?

Krakow is quite affordable for most types of travelers. Especially in comparison to Western Europe, not to mention Scandinavia. Since it is one of Poland's biggest cities, prices in Poland Krakow such as living and travel are slightly higher than in the rest of the country.

Can you do Auschwitz and salt mines in one day?

Groups get from 4 up to 8 participants, maximum size of the group at Auschwitz is between 20 - 30 people. During the trip you stay under our driver's care, you can rely on his experience. Auschwitz tour takes about 6 hours if you decide to made Auschwitz & Salt Mine 1 day tour it takes about 10 hours.

Can you get a private tour of Auschwitz?

Our most recommended Auschwitz Private tours. Pay your respects at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. Make use of transportation from Krakow, and take a guided tour of the historical landmark. Benefit from pick-up at your accommodation in Krakow, and journey by air-conditioned vehicle to Oswiecim.

Is there a dress code for Auschwitz?

While the memorial does not specifically impose a dress code, it urges visitors to dress appropriately, keeping in mind the solemn and sensitive nature of the site. Photography is allowed on the grounds of the museum, but visitors should avoid using flash and stands.

Is it worth going to Auschwitz?

It is essential to visit both parts of the camp, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, in order to acquire a proper sense of the place that has become the symbol of the Holocaust as well as Nazi crimes againt Poles, Romas and other groups.