Can you fly with mental health issues?

Can you fly with mental health issues? Most people with pre-existing medical or psychiatric conditions are able to fly on a commercial aircraft without difficulty. 'Fear of flying' courses run by the major airlines may be helpful for some.

What happens if I panic on a plane?

Flight attendants will be skilled in helping you take your mind off the anxiety. They'll ask you all about where your from, what you do, what your family is like, where you're going, what you'll do there- they'll ask you to tell stories, describe things that you like, and remind you that everything is going to be okay.

Do antidepressants disqualify you from flying?

Pharmaceutical Considerations: The use of a psychotropic drug is disqualifying for aeromedical certification purposes – this includes all antidepressant drugs, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Do antidepressants show up on a background check?

Antidepressants are not considered drugs of abuse. That's why employers generally don't usually test for these prescriptions drugs in a screening. However, antidepressants have been known to produce false positives.

Can the FAA see your mental health records?

But the mental health assessment is limited to the observations of the AME and the pilot's self-report on their medical questionnaire. If the FAA is not aware of concerns about a U.S. pilot's safety to fly, then they cannot mandate access to information.

Do pilots go through mental health checks?

Aviation Medical Examiners are trained to determine the pilot's mental health and fitness to fly. Before this medical exam, pilots are required to report any health professional visits during the previous three years, all medications being taken, and other medical history on their medical application form.

Can psychiatrist help fear of flying?

Many people can work on overcoming their fear of flying with psychotherapy. Your healthcare provider may recommend: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT focuses on helping you change the way you think about flying.

Is anxiety a disqualifier for FAA medical?

Myth: I will lose my FAA medical if I seek help for any mental health situation. Truth: The FAA will be concerned if you are clinically diagnosed with a psychiatric condition (depressive disorders, psychosis, personality disorders, anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder) or a substance abuse disorder.

Can I fly with anxiety disorder?

Seeking a prescription to sedative medication and having them available in-flight can help you relax, even if you don't end up taking it. You should not try to cope alone with a panic disorder and related fear of flying. Even a couple sessions with a therapist can give you tools to make flying more comfortable.

What medications disqualify you from flying?

If you aren't sure whether your medication falls into one of these categories, you should check with your AME:
  • Tranquilizers, such as but not limited to Valium, Librium, Ativan.
  • Most antidepressants. ...
  • Opiates, such as Morphine, Codeine, Lortab, Percodan, Oxycontin.
  • Muscle relaxants, such as Soma, Sonata, Flexeril.

What do you do if a passenger has a fear of flying and begins to panic?

  1. Talk to them beforehand about how they're feeling. Your passenger might be afraid to tell you they're nervous. ...
  2. Ask if they experience motion sickness. ...
  3. Go for short flights first. ...
  4. Tell your passenger what you're doing. ...
  5. Give them something to focus on. ...
  6. Stay calm and be supportive.

How do you fly with severe anxiety?

For example, deep breathing or meditation during take-off, landing or turbulence can reduce your symptoms of anxiety. You can also learn to “talk back” to negative thoughts about flying when they arise.

Can people with panic disorder fly?

You can get used to flying even if you have a panic disorder, Kinnunen promises. As long as you realize the severity of your problem and are willing to work with it. Psychotherapist Benina Jakobson also helps people with panic disorder – most of whom also suffer from fear of flying.