Can you fly with a stent in your neck?

Can you fly with a stent in your neck? Your doctor will tell you when you can safely travel after angioplasty, but in general, you can resume air travel about one week after a stent or balloon angioplasty. The main thing to remember is that sitting in one position for too long can put you at risk of blood clots if you have PAD.

Can you fly if you have a blocked carotid artery?

It is recommended for travelers with blocked arteries to remain on the lookout for shortness of breath or other symptoms that would show that the situation is becoming risky. This is why a medical escort is ideal if you have a blocked artery and you need to fly.

Can you go through airport security with stents?

Do I have to worry about going through a metal detector or security at an airport or stadium? No. A stent should not set off any metal detector or security screening. You will receive a wallet card with information about your stent after your procedure.

Can you fly with a blocked artery in your neck?

In conclusion, the risk of stroke during commercial airplane travel in patients with symptomatic carotid occlusion—including those with hemodynamic cerebral ischemia as measured by PET—appears to be low. There is no direct evidence to discourage these patients from air travel.

How long after having a stent can you fly?

It's not generally recommended to take a long-haul flight soon after having a stent fitted but if you are generally well, and have chatted through your circumstances with your doctor, you may be fit to fly: Two days after a planned, uncomplicated angioplasty. Three to ten days after an uncomplicated heart attack.

Can a person with a stent fly?

What are the important things that you should be aware of if you intend to take a flight with a heart stent? If you do not have any complications after the heart surgery, you can fly on a commercial flight with a medical escort, after waiting for the required period of time.