Can you fly on an airplane if you have a blood clot in your leg?

Can you fly on an airplane if you have a blood clot in your leg? A person should avoid flying if they have a newly diagnosed DVT due to the risk of related complications during travel, such as part of it breaking free. Healthcare professionals recommend waiting up to 4 weeks from the start of treatment for DVT before traveling.

Does airplane pressure affect blood clots?

Just as water doesn't flow easily through a kinked-up garden hose, blood can't flow as well through a vein that has a kink. On top of that, changes in air pressure inside the airplane cabin cut down the amount of oxygen you breathe in. Low oxygen in your blood can also make blood clots more likely to form.

Can you fly while on blood thinners?

Take your medications as prescribed
“If your doctor has not recommended that you take aspirin daily, it's not suggested that you take it when you travel to prevent blood clots,” Coogan said. “On the other hand, if you do take prescribed blood thinners, you should feel safe traveling.”