Can you fly on a plane with a head cold?

Can you fly on a plane with a head cold? It is recommended that if you have a cold that you do not fly; this should be enforced by airlines in the case of aircrew, and aircrew are required to self-report any symptoms of cold, flu, or similar.

Do colds spread on planes?

Really, Hertzberg says, the risk of getting a respiratory infection from a plane is low. There are very few reports of infectious disease being transmitted on airplanes, she says.

Can I be denied boarding if I have a cold?

It is important to note that an airline has the right to refuse a passenger if staff believe that the passenger meets the following conditions: if the passenger could be considered a potential safety hazard, might require medical attention during the flight, has a condition that might deteriorate during the flight, or ...

What happens if I fly with nasal congestion?

By failing to equalize sinus and ear pressures with cabin pressure, a congested nose can result in blockages of the Eustachian tube (connecting the middle ear to the back of the nose). This can quickly lead to a mid-flight medical emergency, such as bleeding or rupturing of the eardrum or hearing loss.

How do I keep my throat moist on a plane?

Keep up your fluids — While on a plane drink plenty of fluids, especially water and hot tea to help keep the throat moist or soothe an irritated throat. Before you get to the airport, it might be helpful to gargle with warm salt water or use a specialised sore throat gargle.

What is the best decongestant to take before flying?

1. About one hour before expected descent, take a decongestant (such as Sudafed- 12hr). 2. About 30 minutes before the flight use a nasal spray (such as Afrin or Neo-Synephrine).

Can you take mucinex on a plane?

You can pack over-the-counter liquid medicines such as cough syrup in your 3-1-1 bag. The TSAs 3-1-1 rule refers to the regulation that all liquids should be in a 3.4-ounce or less container (3), with all container's in one quart-sized plastic bag (1) and a limit of one bag per passenger (1).

Is it OK to fly with sinus congestion?

As a general rule, flying with a sinus infection and a congested nose is not advised. Changes in cabin air pressure affect the air inside and outside of your head. As a result, clogged sinuses, which prevent you from equalizing pressure differences, can be excruciatingly painful.

Can flying with a cold damage your ears?

If you fly with a head cold or seasonal allergies, Dr. Pinkston said it's possible you may significantly stretch your eardrum because your Eustachian tubes wouldn't be working properly to equalize pressure. If the stretching of the eardrum is considerable, these problems may occur: Capillaries in the ear break.