Can you file an IFR flight plan to an airport without an instrument approach?
Can you file an IFR flight plan to an airport without an instrument approach? Therefore, a pilot may file an IFR flight plan to an airpo1t without an instrument approach procedure, and that flight plan must include th. e information as required by§ 91.169(a)(l) & (2).
Can you operate IFR in uncontrolled airspace?
Class G airspace is Uncontrolled Airspace. In class G airspace, operations may be conducted under IFR or VFR. ATC has no authority, but VFR minima are to be known by pilots. Traffic Information may be given by ATC as far as is practical in respect of other flights.
Is it legal to fly IFR without an alternate airport?
14 CFR 91.169 (b) (2) (i) states that an alternate airport is not required if “for at least 1 hour before and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival the ceiling will be at least 2000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles.” To help remember those conditions of the ...
Can you use an airport with no instrument approach as an alternate?
This is the ol' 1-2-3 rule. There are a couple of gotchas. If your destination has no approach, an alternate is always required. Curiously, though, the alternate need not have an instrument approach if the weather allows a descent from MEA under basic VFR, assuming the airport isn't otherwise disqualified.
What is the 1% rule in aviation?
In aviation medicine, the 1% rule is a risk threshold that is applied to the medical fitness of pilots. The 1% rule states that a 1% per annum risk (See also risk management) of medical incapacitation is the threshold between acceptable and unacceptable.
Can a VFR pilot fly through an active MOA without ATC clearance?
Using agencies and pilots operating in such MOAs should be aware that nonparticipating aircraft may legally operate IFR or VFR without an ATC clearance in these MOAs. Pilots of nonparticipating aircraft may operate VFR in Class G airspace in conditions as low as 1 statute mile flight visibility and clear of clouds.
What is the 1-2-3 rule for alternate airports?
1 hour before to 1 hour after your ETA (at the listed destination), the ceiling will be at least 2,000' AGL, and the visibility will be at least 3 SM. It's called the 1-2-3 rule; this is the easiest way to remember this section.