Can you enter a traffic pattern on base?

Can you enter a traffic pattern on base? Even when ATC does give instructions, it is usually based on the names of the pattern legs, e.g. telling you to enter on base or long final (because that makes the most sense given your position and that of other traffic) rather than on the downwind as usual.

What does pattern entry mean?

AKA the Overhead Break, basically, at an altitude (500' recommended) just above pattern altitude the approach is made directly over the runway in the direction of approaching and departing traffic so as to place the entering aircraft in position to make the crosswind turn to downwind along with the flow of departing ...

Why do planes turn before landing?

Why do planes turn around before landing? A go-around can either be initiated by the pilot flying or requested by air traffic control for various reasons, such as an unstabilized approach or an obstruction on the runway.

Can you fly below traffic pattern altitude?

According to the AC, light aircraft should use 1,000 feet AGL, heavy and turbine-powered aircraft should fly the pattern at 500 feet above the established traffic pattern altitude, and ultralights should operate no higher than 500 feet below the powered aircraft TPA.