Can you eat on a German train?

Can you eat on a German train? Eating on German Trains All ICE trains have a restaurant wagon where you can sit down and receive table service. It's not a Michelin-starred restaurant, but you can eat plenty well on the train. Plus there's something especially enjoyable about having lunch and seeing the countryside whiz by.

Can I use the same ticket if I miss my train Germany?

Have you missed a train from, to or via Germany? Do you have a ticket with a Flexpreis fare? Then you are not bound to a chosen time and can take the next train on the same date. You have to via the same route and border crossing and with the same train category (ICE, Intercity or regional train) stated on your ticket.

What happens if I go on an ice train without a ticket in Germany?

Riding any train in Germany, including the ICE, requires a valid ticket or pass for the specific journey and class of service. Failure to have a valid ticket can result in penalties, such as fines or being asked to leave the train at the next station.

Are you allowed to eat on trains in Italy?

On board services: Eating and drinking are permitted on all trains. Most long distance trains offer dining cars. If your train does not have a dining car, it likely offers a buffet bar car.

Is it OK to eat on Swiss trains?

We head for a café, which brings us to the next point: food and drink. In theory, snacks and drinks are fine — and certainly a good thing from the perspective of any track-side or on-board vendors. But things get tricky if there's a strong smell.

Can you drink the water on German trains?

You can generally drink water from the tap in Germany, as tap water is subject to strict controls. There are exceptions, and these are indicated with the sign Kein Trinkwasser (not drinking water). You cannot drink the tap water in trains, for example.

Are you allowed to eat on the train?

Bringing Your Food Aboard You may bring your own food and beverages onboard for consumption at your seat or private Sleeping Car accommodations. However, you can only consume food and beverages purchased in Dining and Lounge Cars in those cars.

Can you eat on German transport?

In the S-Bahn it's normally allowed since its operated by the Deutsche Bahn. In trains of the Deutsche Bahn it's normally allowed to drink and eat.

Can you eat on ice trains Germany?

Eating on German Trains All ICE trains have a restaurant wagon where you can sit down and receive table service. It's not a Michelin-starred restaurant, but you can eat plenty well on the train. Plus there's something especially enjoyable about having lunch and seeing the countryside whiz by.

Is there food on the train from Berlin to Munich?

All trains are kept to a high standard of technology: all cars have WC's, power sockets, air-conditioning, almost every seat features a headphone jack with some onboard music, radio stations, and voice programs. Also, a full restaurant car or bistro coach are provided.

What food can I take on a train?

Ideas for food to bring on 2-day train ride?
  • Packs of tuna.
  • Crackers, bagel, wrap, or some other kind of carb to eat with the tuna.
  • Vegetables such as celery sticks or carrots.
  • Fresh fruit such as bananas, oranges, apples.
  • Dried fruit, nuts, and/or homemade trail mix.

Is it safe to sleep on trains in Italy?

Sleeping on overnight trains in Italy is a relatively safe endeavor, but take a few sensible precautions to avoid pickpockets and thieves and sleep more soundly. Anyone can wander the aisles of Italian trains.