Can you eat fruits and vegetables in Costa Rica?

Can you eat fruits and vegetables in Costa Rica? Vegetarians and vegans Rice and beans, as well as fresh fruit, are ubiquitous, but there's a lot more than that. Visit farmers markets to sample what's in season: Costa Rica is a growers' paradise. Most restaurants will make veggie casados (set meals) on request, and many places are now including them on the menu.

Is it safe to go out at night in Costa Rica?

Is Costa Rica safe at night? Violent crime is relatively rare in Costa Rica, even at night. However, petty property crime is a common problem in bigger cities like San Jos?, so exercise caution while enjoying Costa Rica's famed nightlife.

What is the best time of year to visit Costa Rica?

The best time to visit Costa Rica is between December and April, when the weather is at its driest and brightest. We'd also recommend traveling in the country's green season, from May to June or in November. This is when you catch the seasons in transition, and the national parks are quieter.

What are the top five foods in Costa Rica?

Our List of Top 10 Foods to Try while in Costa Rica (in no particular order)
  • Gallo Pinto. Gallo Pinto is a staple in Costa Rica, consisting of rice with red beans and vegetables. ...
  • Tres Leches. ...
  • Casado. ...
  • Arroz Con Something. ...
  • Chifrijo. ...
  • Tamales. ...
  • Sopa Negra. ...
  • Olla de Carne.

Is it safe to eat street food in Costa Rica?

Food vendors in Costa Rica offer a wide variety of safe and savory street food options that are relatively inexpensive, usually ranging from $3-$5. Even fresh fruits and vegetables are safe to eat on the street due to the country's drinkable water.

Can you drink the water in Costa Rica?

Tap water in Costa Rica is generally clean and safe to drink. In some areas of the country, though, mainly on the Caribbean side and in non-touristy pockets around the country, it's best to stick to bottled water.