Can you drive Turo long distance?

Can you drive Turo long distance? Some hosts offer unlimited distance for a trip; others set a daily distance limit. When you open a vehicle listing, we'll show you the total miles or kilometeres you can drive under the heading Distance included. The number displayed there is the total distance you can drive during the trip.

Is there a Turo equivalent in Europe?

Both Turo and DRIVAR in Germany believe in the idea of a “rental as an experience” so that renters can skip the usual rental counter and have a seamless and hassle-free event compared to “normal” rental companies.

How does car insurance work with Turo?

Drivers who borrow a car through Turo should expect to purchase supplemental car insurance coverage directly through the company, while car owners who are renting out their cars through Turo (referred to as Turo “hosts”) will also need to purchase an additional protection plan for their vehicle.